Nick Carnes is the founding and lead pastor of Hope Church, in Augusta, GA. After three years of prayer and seeking God’s guidance, Nick along with his wife Nicki, and their three children, planted Hope Church in 2009.
The son of a pastor, Nick grew up in and around church, receiving much of his education from Christian school. Firsthand, Nick has experienced everything that’s good with the Church and Christianity, but he’s also experienced the all too human side of both. Most of Nick’s exposure to Christianity, as a young person, involved impossible rules to follow and condemnation for failure. Grace was not taught and often not extended. Over the years, watching friend after friend throw in the towel with their faith, because they couldn’t meet the spiritual expectations set for them, Nick began to realize there was something wrong with this brand of Christianity, and his heart started longing to help those who were de-churched or who wanted nothing to do with Christianity, or the Church.
In his early 20’s, Nick began a journey of seeking truth for himself and as a result of his search he learned what true Christ-centered gospel looked like. He discovered a gospel of grace, mercy, and forgiveness; a gospel of patience, peace, and freedom. A gospel for all people, not just the one’s who think they can fulfill a list of rules. Nick’s heart is to help lead people to become passionate followers of Jesus; this desire is evident in his leadership and communication of God’s Word at New Passion and in his investment in other ministries, as God gives him opportunities.
Nick has extensive experience in ministry, serving in various roles since he was 11: As a young teenager, Nick traveled with his dad and other pastors to migrant fields in South Georgia to share the gospel with Hispanic migrant workers. At age 14, Nick and a group of 6 other teenagers helped grow their student ministry to become a vibrant, healthy ministry, without a youth pastor. As an adult, Nick has served as a singles and college director, a youth pastor, volunteer coordinator, small group leader, and pastor.
In Nick’s spare time he enjoys blogging, spending time with his children, playing sports, or watching his favorite college or pro teams play.
*This is the personal blog of Nick Carnes. The views, opinions, and statements made within the blog do not reflect the views or opinions of my church (Hope Church).*