…about “Onalds” (Translated: McDonald’s)
Everyday Nicki has to drive by McDonald’s to take Gavin to school…everyday Tristan begs to go to McDonald’s. McDonald is Tristan’s hero, he can be asleep and if we come within 3 miles of a McDonald’s his special radar goes off and he starts calling out for “Onald’s!!!” “Onald’s!!!”
The typical conversation goes like this…
Tristan: “Onald’s!!!”
Mommy: “No Tristan, we don’t have the money for McDonald’s”
(Repeat 10-20 times)
Today, this is how the conversation went at home…
Tristan: “Onald’s!!!”
Me: “What Tristan?”
Tristan: “Onald’s!!!”
As I looked down, Tristan was holding up a penny, asking to go to McDonald’s. Tristan always amazes us with his memory. If we tell him something, at two years old, it is seared into his brain…that’s why we make very little promises to him…he will hold our feet to the fire. Unfortunately, he does not have a perception of money, because a penny doesn’t buy anything, but he doesn’t care, for all he knows, it’s money and mommy never has enough to go to “Onald’s” – Today she is taking the boys for ice cream at Onald’s with Tristan’s penny. It truly was the most adorable thing I’ve seen in a long time! 🙂
Join the Conversation: What is the most adorable thing you have seen, besides my profile picture, lately? 🙂
🙂 I have the sweetest nephews (and Neice!) in the world
What do you mean “a penny doesn’t buy anything” !? Haven’t you ever heard of penny candy?
To a Two Year old a penny is worth 10 dollars,I should know when I see my grandchildren they know I have a penny jar @ home so they bring me a penny and I usually end up giving them 10 dollars, What can I say but I love my grandchildren