The other day I was in a check out line, when I heard a mother talking to her 5 or 6 year old daughter. Most of her lines started out as, “Baby Girl…”
The girl didn’t pay her mom any attention because the mom wasn’t talking to her. I picked up on it when her mom said this, “Baby girl when we get home you are going to take a nap before tonight’s graduation.” “Really you are going to take a nap because momma wants to take a nap.” Long pause…as if waiting on a laugh or a chuckle from anyone…
Up until that point I was really just minding my own business. I noticed that the mom wasn’t even talking to her daughter, instead she was talking to the cashier, me, and everyone else that was standing around her, we just didn’t know it.
Have you ever noticed people that do this? They are talking to someone personally, but they talk more in a “Public Announcement” type tone? I guess they are trying to include everyone in on their personal conversation. I know this has happened around me on numerous occasions, but for some reason this time it just stood out to me.
– Nick
kelly says
NOticed it? I’ve caught myself doing it 🙁 Especially moms with children, I think this is a good sign that she is pretty lonely in her position… she also may feel overwhelmed and be asking for a sort of “understanding” from those around her… understanding for a child’s behavior, a chuckle from the cashier or a comment from the guy behind her in line may be all it takes to prove to her she still exists- that NO, she’s not invisible, it only feels that way 🙂
Anonymous says
where does she get off on calling you baby girl?