I want to…
Infuse passion in the lives of others
Intrigue people about the love of Christ
Inspire others to daily live life to its fullest.
For some reason I thought of this out of the blue today…what do you want to do with your life and influence?
Well, for one, I’d like to be able to come up with cool thoughts like the one you just posted!
i want to love people the way Christ loved people.
i want to help others love eachother and know how Christ loves them.
i want to use the gifts God has given me to express the love of Christ.
Good 3 point sermon with all having the same letter 🙂
This particular issue is very close to my heart – I want to see abortion ended in my lifetime. And I want to be a big part of that effort.
I have helped with that effort in the past and still do things to help get closer to that goal. That’s what I feel called to do with my. The stats on the number of abortions done is astounding.
Since 1973, there have been over 47,000,000 abortions in the United States.
That’s 1,300,000 babies every year
That’s 108,333 babies every month
That’s 27,083 babies every week
That’s 3,735 babies every day
That’s 155 babies every hour
That’s 2.6 babies every minute
That’s 1 baby every 25 seconds!
(source: Georgia Right To Life)
Volunteering 3 days out of my week as a counselor I frequently have sessions with clients who are considering abortion. Our center is just yards away from an abortion clinic.
It is not uncommon for a woman to come into our center thinking she is at the clinic. Many of them agree to go into a counseling session anyway. Those sessions are the most intense for me. To have the opportunity to “save” a baby’s life who is just feet away from you by convincing it’s mother it’s life matters too, is a blessing.
I am pleased and honored that God has used me to help change mothers’ minds about abortion. Sometimes I haven’t been able to help the women change their minds.
Every now and then I’ll hear back from a client telling me how much they regret their abortion. They tell me about the pain both physical and emotional.
Many of the women say abortion is an option for them because they don’t want the baby. Let me tell you, there is no shortage of families wanting to adopt a baby. The last statistic I saw for that was 40 families waiting for every 1 baby placed for adoption.
God’s given me a heart for these women. I want to save them from the horrific pain of abortion. And to see that more families are able to adopt.
It causes me terrible pain when I consider how God must feel about abortion when the bible says we were “created in His image.”
So……. I guess that’s an incredibly long answer to your question.:
“what do you want to do with your life and influence?”
I want to help abortion become illegal.
@ Jeff I noticed that as I was thinking about it and typing it out. I guess that’s what my simple mind gives me.
I want my help Christ be formed in other people and in myself.
I want to be known for who I am, not what I’ve done.
I want to give to others…just to see them smile!
I want to dance like no one is watching…
and I want to love unconditionally.