Why write a blog if you don’t want anyone to read what you write, right?
My community group had fun with me last night, because on several occasions, I have actually blogged about a topic that we were discussing and as I shared my view and opinion on the matter, I told the group that they could read more about my opinion at www.nickcarnes.com – Now its the big joke. Whenever I start to talk someone throws out nickcarnes.com, in fact I don’t even think they refer to me as Nick anymore, but rather, Hey Nickcarnes.com. They have told me to have t-shirts made to wear around, but I think I am going with the $4.99 car magnets from Vistaprint.com.
(You can order some too and give me free advertising
So maybe I am a little bit of a self-promoter, ok a major self promoter, but I told my group I would give them some free advertising, so here goes, a shout out to Kieth and Alexia Larson, Eben and Cathy Gray, Shane and Diana Padgett (the coolest couple I know), and Ford Hatcher (who drives a Chevy).
Are you a self-promoter? For good reasons or bad?