Orange Conference Day 3 (Final)
The Orange Conference ended yesterday. I have to say that I am very impressed and moved in what was presented over the course of two and a half days. It was all very encouraging and refreshing:
Yesterday, Donald Miller and Reggie Joiner spoke to close out the conference:
Donald Miller, well, I won’t really even try to explain all that he spoke about…don’t get me wrong it was good, but I am still trying to process it all, however here is a sample:
1. The Bible is made up of a lot of stories, however after each story, the Bible does not give us an application to that story…
2. We all have stories, yet we never feel as if we need to give an application as to why we are telling the story…
3. Why do pastors, think they have to give a 5 point application, that happens to be an acronym to every story?
1. The Bible is made up of a lot of stories, however after each story, the Bible does not give us an application to that story…
2. We all have stories, yet we never feel as if we need to give an application as to why we are telling the story…
3. Why do pastors, think they have to give a 5 point application, that happens to be an acronym to every story?
4. Cutting to the end, pretty much…Rather than allowing culture to determine the positives and negatives to our life story and to the life story of those we minister to, we should simply tell a better story, or provide a better story…I am sure you are lost, but I can’t help you right now, it was great! But too deep for a short blog!
Reggie Joiner challenged us on the way out, with a few desires from Orange:
1. We will never think that we are an expert or smarter than we are – We should continue to learn.
2. We won’t confuse the “Model of Ministry” with the “Mission of Christ”
3. We will continue (or start) fighting for the family…especially our family
4. We will not lose our faith (Our ministry can cause us to lose our faith)
5. We need people (at least one) in our lives that will remind us that what we are doing is important!
Orange was all about combining 2 influences to reach our children and our teens:
1. The influence of the church
2. The influence of the family
1. The influence of the church
2. The influence of the family
The Orange Conference was a great conference…check it out for 2008!