My Community Group started doing the NOOMA video series with Rob Bell a few weeks ago. We are on the 4th video, called “Sunday.” This is the first video I ever saw of his when they first came out, and it is one of my favorites. In the video Rob talks about Jesus when he dealt with the Pharisees from Matthew 23. I’ve been thinking a lot about that since Sunday. Have you ever noticed how impatient Jesus seems when it came to dealing with the religious leaders of his time, yet he was extremely patient with those who were unbelievers. Check out these verses from Matthew 23 to see for yourself (13, 15, 16, 23, 33 All in one link). He called them hypocrites, Sons of Hell, Sons of Vipers, Snakes, Blind guides…just to name a few.
Now compare that to Jesus’ patience when he was being crucified on the cross, by the non-believers, his famous words were, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34) That is one of many examples that I could use, others being the woman at the well, Nicodemus, and others. I don’t know what made me even make that comparison, however it is clear to see that there is a huge difference in his attitude towards the “religious leaders,” who knew better, and the non-believers, who were acting in ignorance, as Paul said he did when persecuting the church (1 Timothy 1:13). I wonder how angry Christ must get at some pastors, churches, church leaders, and Christians with the way they act, the way they treat their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and most of all those who do not yet believe in Christ?
Too many times we want the world to act like Christians. I am all about doing the best that we can to preserve our family values in our country and to stand firm for what we believe to be the truth, but I don’t believe that we have to boycott everything that we disagree with. I don’t think we should treat unbelievers with contempt because they act like unbelievers. You’ll never see Jesus acting in that manner.
Thanks for the food for thought.
I have wondered at the contrast in his tone between the two groups before– this is well put.