One of our core values at New Passion is to create Revolutionary Change through our Local and our Global Influence. As I get the opportunity, I like to celebrate what others are doing to create revolutionary change in their sphere of influence. I’ve had the opportunity to meet Jon Acuff a couple of times at two different blogger events, we’ve not really had the opportunity to have an in-depth conversation, but from what I can tell, he is a normal guy, who God has gifted greatly, and he is using that gift to bring humor and insight into people’s lives. He started a website called “Stuff Christians Like” – If you are not familiar with the site, go check it out…a great start is his About Page.
Jon had a new post the other day entitled, “What If?” – In the post he made the commitment to use his sphere of influence through his blog to raise $30,000 by December 31, 2009 to build a kindergarten in the in Hoang Then village in the Phong Tho district of Vietnam. 18 Hours later, ALL of the money was raised! Yes, $30,000 in 18 hours! This in itself is an incredible and an amazing story. The bigger story is that Jon was able to influence revolutionary change globally through his sphere of influence. 240 children will now have a brand new kindergarten to begin their education in. God gave Jon a vision, he shared it and God used everyday people to make it happen.
Think…what kind of change can you influence locally or globally right where you are? How many of us sit back and do nothing because we are looking for this huge opportunity to come our way or we are waiting for someone to ask us or to hire us? Look at the influence God has given you…and use it. I close with Jon’s words of encouragement, “I believe with God, in God, through God, we can all be bigger than ourselves.“