Don’t underestimate God!
On Friday I posted about how New Passion is “Showing A Little Turkey Love” this Thanksgiving in the city of Grovetown by providing complete Thanksgiving meals (Turkey & all of the fixin’s) for families who are in need during the Holidays.
Our ministry partner, United We Care, received 35 applications for assistance, so we set a goal of 15 complete meals for our church, we then raised it to 30 to challenge ourselves to embrace a faith that’s bigger than ourselves. As of Friday our brand new (little) church bought 20 complete meals, today we added 5 more!!! Our deadline to collect the money has passed, so total New Passion bought 25 complete Thanksgiving meals for 25 families in Grovetown, who otherwise would have had nothing. What if we would have settled for the 15? 🙂
New Passion…you all rock and I am extremely proud of you for helping create revolutionary change in our city!