2008 Orange Conference Session 5 Louie Giglio New Question: Can the church influence culture or lead culture? The church is not poised corporately to take the lead in culture. A whole new idea – What if we decided together to be the church of Jesus Christ? What if that was our Goal? The church that […]
Lanny Donoho’s Website – UPDATED
This website is now linking to Big Stuf camp information. It was fun at the conference, but unless you are looking to take a group of students to Big Stuf Camps, this website will do you no good! Reggie Joiner and Andy Stanley revealed to the crowd at the Orange Conference that they have purchased […]
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziOG_GHNVq0] I’ve been thinking about this commercial for a while now. I have had the privilege of attending some of the greatest conferences in this Country for church leaders, yet it seems that year after year we discuss some of the same issues with ministries in the church and in the Christian culture as if […]
Thoughts on Chapter 3 of Chasing Daylight (Part 1)
Here are some quotes and thoughts from Chapter 3 of Chasing Daylight by Erwin McManus that stood out to me or spoke to me: Please share in the discussion! The Chapter is about Uncertainty, and how as we move with God, we will face uncertainties. I am about a quarter of the way through the […]
Living Delusional
In Chapter 2 of Chasing Daylight, Erwin McManus writes about a conversation with his friend Joe White. Joe has been diagnosed with terminal cancer…(In the conversation) He was clear that today might be the last day he had to live. I could live under the delusion that today is just one day of many still […]