I am blogging at the PDYM Blog today. I will be posting once a week there now, so if you have any ideas for topics please let me know! Here is an excerpt of my article, head on over to the blog and join the conversation there, I would love to know your thoughts on […]
You probably only hear the word, vetted, every 4 years. Wikipedia’s definition is this: Broadly, vetting is a process of examination and evaluation. Specifically, vetting often refers to performing a background check on someone before offering them employment. In addition, in intelligence gathering, assets are vetted to determine their usefulness. On Saturday, as soon as […]
Guest Blogging @ Shanepadgett.com
Hello Daily readers and more…please join me today over at www.shanepadgett.com where I will be guest blogging. Shane just started blogging on his own personal blog, so do me a favor and show him some comment love over there! Thanks for supporting another blogger’s blog today! I am a link…I will take you there 🙂 […]
Student Leadership Video
I ran across this video on Josh Griffin’s Blog. Our student ministry at Greenbrier is having a lead team weekend for student leaders, adult volunteers, and members of our parent team, so in keeping with our student ministries theme this weekend, I thought it would be appropriate for a blog post here on Nickcarnes.com! By […]
Overcoming Obstacles in Leadership
I love this portion of John Maxwell’s, Developing the Leader Within You. “A wise philosopher once commented that an eagle’s only obstacle to overcome for flying with greater speed and ease is the air. Yet, if the air were withdrawn, and the proud bird were to fly in a vacuum, it would fall instantly to […]