I was going to tweet this but it’s too long:
I think I died and woke up in an alternate universe, you know the kind where all the people are the same, but everything is different?
We had our first New Passion Leadership Meeting where all four of our key leaders (Billy Wilson, Jonothan Powell, Gregory Hansel, and Myself) were together tonight.
I found it funny and strangely odd that #1 I was the only one out of the group NOT tweeting and #2 the two newbies to twitter, who by the way, swore they would never tweet were having an in-depth discussion with each other about why they weren’t following each other.
By the way, if you are the wife to one of these guys, my goal was to end by 8:30, it was 8:33 when I was finished with what I had to cover, but it also took me an extra five minutes to get them to put their phones down 🙂
Oh how things change!