James Harrison, Outside Linebacker for the Pittsburgh Steelers, made news this past week when he posted on his Instagram account a photo of two Participation Trophies his sons were given for their involvement in the Next Level Athletics Program. Harrison added a lengthy statement explaining his refusal to allow his sons to be given something they didn’t earn. “While I am very proud of my boys for everything they do and will encourage them till the day I die, these trophies will be given back until they EARN a real trophy,” Harrison said.
I admire James Harrison for teaching his young sons this valuable lesson and truth for their life.
I believe this same principle is missed in the American Christian Church, and I think we too can learn a lesson from Mr. Harrison. I think many times we believe we’ve accomplished something or we’ve earned something because we carry the title of “Christian” around. It’s like our very own club we belong to. I’ve often heard the term, “Country Club” used to describe churches and Christian groups.
Christians Aren’t Give Participation Trophies
When we get to Heaven, God’s not going to reward us for simply being. He’s not going to lavish awards and trophies on us because we participated in simply being a Christian, or because we were a part of the Christian club. We’ve earned nothing extra just by placing our faith in Jesus for salvation. Without merit, we’ve gained life in Jesus and if that wasn’t enough we were gifted an eternity with God in Heaven, but we gain no trophies for just being; we’re entitled to nothing more.
Our Rewards are Earned
Christianity isn’t about finding a church you love so you can sit and soak in all that’s happening around you. 1 Corinthians 3 tells us Jesus is our foundation; He’s the starting point for the new life we’ve been given and whatever we use this new life for will be tested. Paul said, “….on the judgment day, fire will reveal what kind of work each builder has done. The fire will show if a person’s work has any value. If the work survives, that builder will receive a reward“ (1 Corinthians 3:11-14 NLT). Jesus speaks with a sense of urgency as he boldly proclaims, “Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds” (Revelation 22:12 NLT). As Jesus was calling people to take up their cross and follow Him, if they desired to be His disciple, He told them, “For the Son of Man is going to come with His angels in the glory of His Father, and then He will reward each according to what he has done” (Matthew 16:24-27 HCSB). We don’t earn our salvation, but we do earn our rewards after salvation.
[tweetthis]Christianity isn’t about finding a church you love so you can sit & soak in all that’s happening around you[/tweetthis]
As if Jesus wasn’t enough. As if God’s undeserved grace, mercy, and forgiveness wasn’t enough. As if an eternal home in heaven wasn’t enough. God goes even further and promises to reward us for the deeds we perform in this new life we have in Christ! But, notice, in every instance we are promised rewards there is a condition given; our rewards will be given solely based on the deeds we do within this new life, based on what we build on the foundation of Jesus.
So, what are you building? What are your deeds? What kind of rewards can you expect from Jesus when He returns?
God doesn’t give participation trophies, but He does reward us for what we’ve earned.
Are you connected with a church, but find yourself disconnected and not involved? Find out how you can plug in within the church or the community so you can start building on the foundation you have in Jesus. Are you one of my people from New Passion, but you haven’t plugged in and you’re not building anything on the life you have in Jesus? Don’t delay, register online to start serving right now. God wants to reward you, but you have to earn it!
[tweetthis]God doesn’t give participation trophies, but He does reward us for what we’ve earned.[/tweetthis]
Join the conversation: What are some helpful ways to move people from simply being a Christian to doing good works in the world as a Christian? In what areas do you need to improve yourself?