Here are some random photos from my past few days as a window cleaner:
I am up on the ledge above the second floor, here is a shot all the way down to the first level of the Augusta Mall where we are cleaning their windows. Did I mention that they surrounded the entire top of the mall with windows? Its going to be a long few months…but the money is good!!!
Cleaning on the ledge atop of Abercrombie and Fitch…I thought I was going to fall through their roof!
Eric swinging around the corner atop of Abercrombie
As you can see the rafters to the mall is at our heads…I am above the elevator which is directly behind my head…this is above the second floor.
Faith? This is all that holds me to the ledge, can anyone say Cliffhanger? I have not seen anyone that looks like Sylvester Stallone on our team…plus he dropped the chick in the movie.
The side of Terry…He is a real construction man!
jamela says
that really is awesome, and interesting, too. good luck with that. i see that you have a tough schedule- you’re living like a wired college student it seems, but with all the perks of being a husband and father, too. i’ll pray for you.