I want to be the first Nick Carnes, I don’t want to be the next Billy Graham, the next Rick Warren, or Perry Noble or Andy Stanley…God is using those people to fulfill his plan through their lives, but he is going to use me to fulfill his plan through my life…doing something that only I can do!
When I first shared with my dad and a group of pastors that I felt the Lord was calling me to full time ministry as a pastor (I was 11 or 12), an elderly missionary who had a huge impact in my life, wanted to pray for me…the only part I can remember is that he prayed that God would raise me up to be the next Billy Graham…Wow!!! I was blown away, God hasn’t done that of course, but the missionary believed in me as a pre-teen that God could do that through me, and the fact is God can do even greater than that, I am open to whatever he wants to do…what about you?
I used to feel like I was being arrogant or doing something wrong to pray and ask God to use me for BIG things, but I don’t anymore, I want that more than anything…not for my glory, but for Gods…here is a snippet of Perry’s post:
“I believe in people.
I just do!
I believe that every person on this planet has an incredible potential to do great things for God and live a life that is so far beyond their imagination.
I believe that once Jesus Christ comes into to someone’s life–there isn’t ANYTHING that can get in their way IF they will completely sell out EVERY area of their life to Him…
Their passions
Their possessions
Their relationships
Their job
It ALL must become His–we must let our dreams die so that His dreams can live through us; after all, our dreams, if allowed to come true, usually turn into nightmares!
I believe that God has called all that He saves to NOT just sit…but to accomplish GREAT things for Him (Ephesians 2:10), to make the name of Jesus famous…to live an abundant life…”
Its always good to know people believe in you…even if they do not know you!